The esthetic philosophy of


This site is an advocate for, and is fundamentally based upon the esthetic theory of Ayn Rand -- her Objectivist esthetics -- as primarily identified in her compilation of essays in “The Romantic Manifesto”.  


This site is edited by John Gillis , and he is responsible for the edited content on it.  There are no intended or known conflicts between the objective theory of art presented and highlighted on this site, and her original and radical Objectivist esthetics (which makes this site possible).   This statement of congruity with her theory applies to all of the principles of the Objectivist esthetics.  It does not apply to specific preferences of artworks Ayn Rand may have named, or to evaluations of specific artworks that she may have made.


Since there are many topics and details that she did not specifically write about, it should be understood that the publication here of additional topics and expansions in an objective esthetic theory is solely the responsibility of the Editor and any writers whose work appears on this site.


Naturally, direct quotes of Ayn Rand’s writings on this site are the way to be certain that you are receiving her specific ideas, principles, formulations.  Other ideas and positions are those of their authors, or if not specifically stated on the site, are those of this site’s Editor.


The main theoretical essays in “The Romantic Manifesto” are the philosophical basis of this site. These essays are:


-- Art and Cognition

-- The Psycho-Epistemology of Art

-- Art and Sense of Life

-- Philosophy and Sense of Life


The other essays in that volume are on literature and are relevant primarily to a more detailed study of the literary art of the novel, and especially her main professional and personal interest: Romantic literature, and her opposition to Naturalism and Classicism.


Objectivism is an integrated philosophy with metaphysical, epistemological and ethical foundations.  There are important ideas relating to her esthetics in her other works. 


One in particular: Philosophy: Who Needs It, is a key to understanding the nature of art in her theory.  


Human nature requires (for the best life) that each person must act based on a philosophy (whether an individual ever identifies his philosophical underpinnings or not), and this inescapable fact connects with the fundamental psychological human characteristics that give rise to our need for the highest art forms.  Thus, this essay by her must be considered a precursor to a full understanding of the Objectivist esthetics, since her deep insights into the nature of esthetics can only be understood in relation to her wider metaphysical, epistemological and ethical principles, and upon her original contributions to the understanding of human psychology and human thinking processes.